Tuesday, June 8, 2010



So when I decided to make this blog, I was looking for a TITLE. What sort of title should I have?
I thought over and over...

Hmm... Swtlilcherry? LilSwtMemories? CherishTheMemories?Lovely Memories? I liked these but it didnt' catch my interest. So all of a sudden (listening to my youtube playlist) this song comes up "愛の唄 by niconico artists Tourai/トゥライ" The characters were short and simple and if you were to translate it, it'll be "LOVE SONG" in English. The Chinese character for LOVE has always caught my attention as well.
That was how I came up with the title of my blog.


Ok, let's try this one more time. So I posted this up last night but for some odd reason all these html showed up in the middle of my blog. Grr....

Music has always been a big part of my life. When I was little my dad made an album as well as my uncle and his friends. Of course they were Hmong songs. Also Karaoke is super popular with my family. We love to sing and love to listen to music.

I want to make an album just like my dad and uncle and try to sell it during Hmong New Year. The only problem is my Hmong pronunciation is horrible. I could understand but not speak it. Well I can but it's quite hard to understand me. >.< And I dont' really want to sing in Hmong. To tell you the truth, I want to sing in Japanese and English. Oh... Boy... When I think if I sing in these two language I might get criticized by all the Hmong individuals especially the adults =/ But I wonder though... New Year isn't until November so I have a while to look for the music and write some lyrics XD If not I can always do it next year XD

Back to music though, why does it always involve sex, drugs and alcohol now a days... I guess it's popular among teenagers these days which is sad. Not just American music but even some Japanese/Korean artists. Sometimes when I hear the songs, I would love it because I like how it sounds (being produced) but when I listen to the lyrics its horrible. Sometimes I just ignore the lyrics. Maybe that's why I listen to songs I don't understand because I don't have to hear anything that involve sex. But I still listen to those songs because they are upbeat. In my opinion when it comes to the music/entertainment industry, American music are not meaningful at all. It doesn't feel like it's coming from the heart. It feels like it's coming from the pants though. But I think artists now a days only sing about what their audiences wants to hear and the sad part is sex is a popular topic. Sometimes I wonder since when did SEX become so... BIG. (off topic. sorry)
Well... here's my bloggy. It's actually longer then the one I wrote last night. LOL.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hi! Welcome to My first Blog Entry on this page! I can't believe I gave in and made one >.<